Stitch Library

Please enjoy this video library of some of my favorite and/or most used needlepoint stitches
For more, you can visit our blog series, Stitch Sunday, where we review a stitch, give photo examples and video demonstrations of various stitches!
Needlepoint Basics: Tent Stitches
Half Cross Stitch
Continental Stitch
Background Ideas: Extra Skip T Stitch
Stitch Diagram: Extra Skip T Stitch
Stitch Video: Extra Skip T Stitch
Background Ideas: Skip Tent Stitch
Stitch Diagram: Skip Tent Stitch
Stitch Video: Skip Tent Stitch
Background Ideas: T Stitch
Stitch Diagram: T Stitch
Stitch Video: T Stitch
Decorative Stitches: French Knots
Decorative Stitches: Ribbon Bow